
Market Opportunity

  • Global Esports Market: In 2022, the global esports audience will grow +8.7% year on year to reach 532 million. Esports enthusiasts, those who watch esports content more than once a month, will account for over 261 million globally.Β 
  • According to a Bain & Company report, it’s expected that the global gaming market will grow to a $307 billion market in the next 5 years. Blockchain Gaming was a $4.82 billion market in 2022 and, according to a report from BITKRAFT, is poised to grow to a $50 billion market by 2025. Another report by Research & Markets estimates the industry growing to $65.7 billion by 2027.
  • The global market for gambling estimated at $773.7 billion in the year 2023, is projected to reach$1 Trillion by 2030.
  • Look at the US specifically, Americans wagered a record $119.84 billion on sports betting in 2023, up 27.5% from 2022.Β 
  • Those bets translated into $10.92 billion in revenue in 2023, a 44.5% jump from the prior year. This figure was tied to a 9.1% national hold percentage (settlement fee) that the sportsbook/bookmakers takes.
  • Digital asset sales and streaming are the two fastest-growing revenue streams for competitive gaming, with 2020-2025 CAGRs of +27.2% and +24.8%, respectively. Growing awareness around digital assets and NFTs has boosted investment in gaming to $4.49 billion in 2022 and accounts for 62.5% of all investment into web3 startups.
